Summer starts early in LA. As in , about now-ish. It's March, but feels like what Late May is in Boston, i.e. sunny warm/hot days, pleasantly warm/balmy nights, and enough tree pollen in the air to turn your car green and make me throw back Claritin every morning, even if it stops working after a few days of doing that.
I'm also starting to make summer plans. I found out last week that I will be unable to go back to Boston for my little sister's college graduation. It isn't THAT big a deal, as it's just a ceremony, and she wasn't particularly enamored with her school, but it's still a milestone and a time when I think I SHOULD be there.
What this does mean though, is that I'm no longer saving up my vacation time for that trip. Instead, I can use it whenever I want this summer. What I think I want to do is find a week right after Writress wraps on the show she's working on, and hopefully before she starts whatever her next job is. Likely this will be in mid-June. Then I want to take the full week off, and take her back to visit Cape Cod with me. This way I get so see my family/the cape, don't have to spend a week when I want to relax girlfriend-less, and the rest of my family will be able to meet her.
This will especially be good to do since this past weekend which was spent with Writress's sister and her sister's boyfriend. I've officially met her entire immediate family, plus her two best friends from college, her cousin, as well as her cousin's kids. Her parents and best friends I've seen on multiple occasions now. By contrast, Writress has met my best friend from back east and my sister. That's it. Granted, her best friends are engaged and have family in LA, her parents have had to come here a few times for business, and her cousins live an hour and a half away in San Diego. She really wants to meet my family, and they'd like to meet her, so in a way it'll almost be nicer to have a week when I can show her around. I'm looking forward to it.
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